
fimmtudagur, október 31, 2002:

Mér finnst thessi alveg brilliant:
A student recognizes Einstein in a train and asks:
Excuse me, professor, but does New York stop by this train?

Einn ágaetur:
Once all the scientists die and go to heaven. They decide to play hide-n-seek. Unfortunately Einstein is the one who has the den. He is supposed to count upto 100 and then start searching. Everyone starts hiding except Newton. Newton just draws a square of 1 meter and stands in it, right in front of Einstein.
Einsteins counting ....97,98,99,100, opens his eyes and finds Newton standing in front. Einstein says "Newtons out, Newton's out."

Newton denies and says he's not out. He claims that he is not Newton. All the scientists come out and he proves that he is not Newton. how?

His proof:
Newton says: I am standing in a square of area 1m square..
That means I am Newton per meter square..
Hence I am Pascal.

Einn stuttur
Famous last words
Chemistry teacher: And if you combine the base and the acid just right, you can safely drink it!

Einn ekkert sérstakur
Q: What weapon can you make from the Chemicals Potassium, Nickel and Iron?
A: KNiFe.

Og tvaer útgáfur af sama "gríninu", sem er btw alls ekkert fyndid!
If it moves it is biology, if it stinks it is chemistry, if it's rock hard it's geology, and if it does not work it is physics.

Chemistry stinks! Biology bites! Geology Rocks!

Og einn gamall sem er bara svo gódur ad hann faer ad fljóta med
Q: How many physical chemists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he'll change it three times, plot a straight line through the data, and then extrapolate to zero concentration.

Emelia // 1:36 e.h.


miðvikudagur, október 30, 2002:

Svo eru thad heimsku nemendurnir, Real student mistakes.

Thad er hins vegar ekki nema von ad svör nemanda séu stundum heimskuleg ef thau fylgja thessu hérna The Student´s guide to problem solving

Emelia // 12:09 e.h.


Og thar sem ég er búin ad vera ad leita ad gríni í morgun og aetla ad gera thad í nokkra tíma í vidbót thá laedi ég inn einu og einu.

A true Physics story

The Professor from Hell

Thetta hérna er frábaert: Dark Suckers, not Light-Emitters
Emelia // 11:53 f.h.


Hérna er linkur inn á smá amöbu grín.
Emelia // 11:49 f.h.


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